Adult Faith Formation2024-07-26T14:28:05+00:00


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (for those 17 years or older) is presented at St. Michael in English beginning after Labor Day and concluding at Pentecost, seven weeks after Easter.

Classes in English take place on Tuesday evenings in the Social Hall (upstairs, across from the Sanctuary) beginning at 7:00pm and concluding at 8:15pm. 

Classes begin September 10, 2024. 

This year we will broadcast RCIA on our Facebook Live page which you can connect directly to at our Homepage website. This is being made available to those who may work in the evening or not have transportation. Classes in Spanish take place on Sunday morning’s beginning at 7:00am on August 11, 2024, in room 18.

RCIA is for a variety of people including non-Catholics who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and becoming Catholic. RCIA also is for Catholics who have been baptized but may have never received the sacraments of Holy Communion and/or Confirmation. If you are unsure in some way whether God is calling and reaching out to you, I would just encourage you to attend RCIA and allow the Holy Spirit to dwell within you and see where your holy encounter with Jesus takes you.

Deacon Ken Lampert coordinates the English classes and Indalecio Salazar coordinates the classes in Spanish. There is no cost to enroll in RCIA. There are a few items you may need to purchase for the English class including the New Catholic Answer Bible by Fireside Publishing, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and a three-ringed binder to place the handouts of the topics covered weekly you will receive.

The Catholic Bible and Catechism are available for purchase in the St. Michael Gift Shop located downstairs which is open after the Saturday and Sunday weekly Masses. You can also purchase these thru

Catholics who have received all the Sacraments of Initiation including Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation who may have been away from the Church for a while and would like a refresher on the Catholic faith, are always welcome to attend the RCIA class or to watch through Facebook Live

For more information, please contact: For English:

Deacon Ken Lampert E-mail Deacon Ken  or text at 404-664-3178.

Join our Flocknote group by clicking here

Or text: RCIA2024

To: 84576

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is an ancient Christian ministry, tracing its roots to the desert fathers and mothers. A Spiritual Director is not a therapist but is someone who will listen with you and may be able to offer reflections about your relationship with God, understanding of God, or how the Holy Spirit may be working in your life.  A spiritual director’s primary function is to help another grow in relationship with God by listening, offering, and trusting the direction of the Holy Spirit. To schedule a meeting, contact Suzie Hawkins at [email protected]

St. Michael Gift Shop

One of our hidden blessed gems here at St. Michael is our Gift Shop located downstairs. It is open after the Saturday and Sunday Masses. If you need a new Catholic Bible, rosary, scapular, medals of your favorite Saints, Catholic Catechism, prayer books, or DVD’s, you’ll find it in our Gift Shop. It is staffed by volunteers so if you would like to help out after the Mass you regularly attend, and have an extra 20 minutes while the traffic dies down outside, why not volunteer? Contact Beth Andert to volunteer or ask any questions E-mail Beth

St. Joseph’s Men’s Bible Study

Come join us on Wednesday mornings between 11am and Noon in the  Library/Conference Room here at St. Michael to study the Scripture readings for  the Mass the coming weekend. We use “At Home With the Word” which is only  $10 for an entire year of Bible study and reflections. Many of the men stay for  the Noon Mass afterwards. For more information, call Thad McCormack at 770- 530-1585, or just show up!

The Light of the World Retreat is boldly Catholic, and it is completely faithful to the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Light of the World Retreat is an immersive weekend retreat experience where participants personally encounter Christ through the presentation of the kerygma- the basic gospel message.
Retreats are held typically twice per
year at St. Michael.

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