Coming Events2025-02-25T22:00:20+00:00

San Miguel los invita a la Misión Precuaresmal: Boletos a $20 cada uno

La Renovación Carismática presenta: Retiro para Matrimonios y Parejas

English Virtus Training
To register click here

Ash Wednesday Schedule • Horario de Miércoles de Ceniza

Providing a Safe Environment 


Providing A Safe Environment


St. Michael and the Archdiocese of Atlanta is committed to provide a safe environment for all its’ parish family. We have an ongoing concern for those who have suffered abuse. The Archdiocese provides an abuse hotline at 1-888-437-0764 to report abuse or suspected abuse. At our St. Michael website,, under the banner of Safe Environment, you can access other resources to report suspected abuse. The Archdiocese of Atlanta provides ongoing support for healing for those who have suffered this inexcusable trauma.


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